Worth your Salt // mini series blog header | Salt Design

Worth your salt // Part 1 – applying for a design position

Thanks to the wondrous powers of social media – we’ve hired ourselves a new creative to join our seasoned professionals! Narrowing down the design candidates to join our Salt team proved to be an enlightening learning opportunity.

Over the next few blog posts we’ll be reviewing a few key ways to improve your resume and portfolio, because as fellow designers we know it’s sometimes harder than it seems to show others just how creative we can be!

What we encountered

When applying for a position as a designer, it’s an opportunity to showcase your creativity and skills. Every form of communication will be viewed and critiqued – from your email applying for the position all the way through to presenting your portfolio.

Even how you write an email to apply for a position will be judged. So writing “Heya…” may feel cool and casual to you – it doesn’t instill confidence and may cloud an employer’s perception of you. This may seem straightforward – but apparently it’s rocket science to some!

Part 1 – Your resume & getting started

Sure – You’re passionate about design, You’re a team player, You have an attention to detail, You love challenges, You can work to deadlines – but doesn’t everyone?

As a candidate for a design position, try thinking of more creative and innovative ways to express your confidence. Just what is it that makes you different/more creative/more passionate?

Be creative with your resume. Try presenting it like an annual report, journal or a magazine interview. You can still include all of the relevant historical information – AND you can include examples of your work, your opinions, experiences in life – all the things that make you, you.

Give your resume the edge // handy links

  • Purple Goat – We agree with Purple Goat – there are plenty of hints and tips out there for designers, but we too were also shocked at how some experienced designers presented themselves. They provide a good summary of tips on their blog.
  • Creative Bloq – 20 brilliantly creative resumés
  • Australia Internships Blog – for tips on crafting an amazing cover letter!

Our next post in this series will be Part TwoCrafting your resume and how to best represent your work.

salt-shaker-signoffBecause everything is better with a sprinkle of salt!


Images // Creative Bloq – Brilliantly creative resumes // The Style Files – Creativity takes courage